第二港湾, 华人休闲之家

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发表于 2021-1-29 16:36:51 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

为什么说我们不是中国人|WHY WE ARE NOT CHINESE[size=0.9em]
Posted on 2021-01-12 由James-Patrick发布

The Chinese are not a nation, and the Chinese are not human. The Chinese is a ghost that has swallowed up the Yan, Jin, Shu and other real nations. It has no body, just dressed in the skin of the dead, disguised as a person.
People’s identification with the so-called ” Chinese ” today is completely the result of political brainwashing by the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. It is not a true national community. Peoples from all over Cathaysia (Zhu Xia-诸夏) will not love this empire under natural state, but love their familiar hometown. China is just a false phantom based on lies, Evil people use it to enslave those who have been deceived, making them to lose their homes and become a soulless walking dead.
About 40,000 years ago, when humans left Africa, they migrated to eastern Eurasia through the north and south routes. It is the most remote corner of the continent, the Far East, far from the center of human civilization around the Mediterranean. Due to the Ice Age, the southern route was earlier, and humans traveled through the coast of South Asia during the hunting-gathering Paleolithic period and reached Southeast Asia and Australia. This group of humans spread all over the coasts of East Asia. Their descendants are the Baiyue and Austronesian peoples, as well as the indigenous people of the Jomon period in Japan. They have maintained a simple tribal society for a long time. The northern route was relatively late, and humans were able to migrate eastward in Inner Asia only after the Ice Age receded 10,000 years ago. Compared with the South, relatively scarce resources allowed them to break away from the hunting-gathering era and enter the agricultural society of the Neolithic Age, resulting in a complex social structure. One of the centers of civilization at that time was the Liao River Basin in the west of Northeast Asia, while the inland lowlands in the south were not suitable for settlement for a long time. Because the area between the Yangtze River and the Yellow River is a large swamp and depression, it has been an uninhabited land for a long time, as an insurmountable geographic barrier separating the two races from the north to the south. With the rise of the nomadic civilization of the ancient Indo-European people in Inner Asia, the civilization around the Mediterranean entered the agricultural society of the Far East during the Bronze Age.
Proto-Indo-Europeans not only brought bronze technology from the heart of human civilization, but also brought more complex social structures. The Yin people, who originated in Yanland, were the first to break away from the tribal form and established a confederate state called Shang. It is composed of many naturally-growing clan countries, and the monarchs, wizards, and noble warriors who came from the Yin royal Zi family constituted the initially relatively loose feudal system. As the floods in the plains of the lower Yellow River subsided, while large tracts of land were being reclaimed, the two geographic regions of Northeast Asia and Southeast Asia began to connect, and the junction with Inner Asia became the Central Plains region. The Shang king went south and occupied the Central Plains, where it was the center of rule. Therefore, the Central Plains originally existed as a colony of foreign conquerors.
After the Zhou people replaced the Shang Kingdom, the feudal system was further strengthened, and many local states formed an international order based on “Rites of Zhou (Ritual music system)”. At that time, there were many small feudal countries in the Central Plains, and the states outside the Central Plains that obeyed the Zhou rites were all called “Cathay”. Like medieval Europe, Shang and Zhou dynasties of the feudal order also continued a thousand years. The main reason why Cathaysia’s feudal system has last not long been that Zhou people lack religious enthusiasm than Yin people, they have no theocratic. Because of the lack of an independent and powerful religious organization to suppress the royal power and maintain the legal system, the ritual and music system declined with the loss of the royal authority. After the feudal system declined, the war of aggression among the various countries of Cathaysia became more and more serious. Many states in the Central Plains were successively eliminated and occupied by neighboring Chu, Qi, Jin, and Qin states. Many independent feudal states in Yanland were also unified by Yan State because of Qi State’s military intervention.
So, since mankind entered a civilized society for a long time, China has never existed. The land of East Asia was originally very close to the classic feudal system of medieval Europe. In the beginning, there was no unified and centralized Chinese empire. Originally, “China” and “Central Plains” is synonymous, and they just represent the geographical area of the lower Yellow River plain. It is called the Central Plains because it is the junction of Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and Inner Asia, and is the center of East Asia, so it became the capital of the emperor. In a narrow sense, the Central Plains are the Luoyang Basin, where the Zhou people established the state and capital, which is the area directly under the jurisdiction of the Zhou king. From the Qin Empire to the Jin and the Mongols’ Yuan empires, the area from Yinxu, Chang’an, Luoyang, and Bianliang where they established the capital to Qufu—the “sacred land” of Confucianism and Mencius, is the pure Central Plains region. Taking the Central Plains as the center of rule to conquer the surrounding areas by force is the unification of evil. Since it was originally a wetland and there were no indigenous countries, it can also be said that the inland lowlands in the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River are China’s inherent territory. Excluding Chang’an in Qin land, the real China starts from Luoyang in the west, Qufu in the east, Yinxu in the north, and the Huaibei pan-region where Zhumadian is located in the south, which is almost the same as the present Henan Province.
Until the beginning of the 20th century, there was no state power in the name of China, only the autocratic grand unification that China relied on. China’s grand unity started on the Qin Empire, and the Qin State after the Shang Yang Reform was the first centralized authoritarian empire in Cathaysia. From Qin Xiaogong to Qin Shihuang’s tyrants of the Qin Kingdom, they abandoned the old rules of ritual and law and became no bottom line. After eliminating the nobles, they turned the people of Qin into slave workers and cannon fodder who absolutely obeyed the King of Qin by arranging the people of Qimin(Household registration system). Like the Communist Party’s land reform. This makes the military power of the six eastern countries that still abide by some of the old rules significantly weaker than that Qin. To enable Qin to resist war and massacres and cruel enslavement to achieve barbaric conquest is a crime against humanity that deviates from civilization. The Qin Empire also used the assimilation policy of “books with the same text, cars with the same track” to obliterate the unique local cultures of various countries, making the people in all parts of the conquered region become slaves to the empire.
After the Qin Empire eliminated the royal families and old nobles of various countries, only a few old bureaucrats could not effectively rule the huge land and population, which caused the Qin State to quickly perish. Centralization brought tyranny and aroused strong resistance from the people, but the Cathaysia countries did not successfully recover. The Han Empire, which replaced the Qin Empire, distorted the ancient Confucianism. Confucianism was originally the idea of the nobles to safeguard the feudal of The Rites of Zhou. The Han Empire maintained a unified and centralized power more clever use of new Confucianism. At first, the vassal states of Cathaysia were retained until the Han Emperor Liu Che completely ended the feudal remnants of The Rites of Zhou, completely replace the nobility with bureaucracy. Since then, the Household registration system and the Commandery County system have become powerful tools for the rulers of the unified empire to enslave the people. From this time until the Manchu Empire, any imperial ruler who accepted the Central Plains Confucianism continued the autocratic unifications that began in the Qin and Han empire. The empire used the tributary system to extend China’s greedy land from Cathaysia to many countries in Northeast Asia, Southeast Asia, and Inner Asia. This desire for hegemony has brought endless suffering to all countries for a long time. For example, Tubo and East Turkistan, Mongolia, and Manchuria were all invaded by China in this way. Throughout the Middle Ages, the feudal system similar to the Zhou people only briefly appeared in the early period of the Nomadic”barbarian” tribe ruled Cathaysia. After the Sui and Tang empires, the imperial examination system was formed, aristocratic families further declined, and intellectual bureaucracy became more popular. The Ming and Qing empires further strengthened Confucianism into an absolute monarchy like the Qin Empire.
When the Qing Empire disintegrated, the Western democratic parliamentary system spreads in Cathaysia, and local autonomy began. For example, the Shunzhi Parliament of local autonomy was established in the entire Yanland that inherited Zhili Province. According to the normal development of history, the big unification will never return to the fall of the absolute monarchy. Under the supervision of the powers of Europe and America, local governments will use bourgeois democracy to achieve a balance of power through wars between warlords, forming a situation of independence for all countries in Latin America and generating their own national construction. At that time, people from all over the Xia countries would call each other Yan, Jin, Chu, etc., instead of calling themselves Chinese. The only areas that still identify with the Chinese will be the Central Plains in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, because it is the core area of the empires from the Qin and Han to Sui and Tang empires, In order to follow the trend, the locals may reconstruct the nation with small Chinaism.
There are also Chinese national inventor Liang Qichao and others that borrowed the term “China”, which represented geographical regions in history, and used it as the name of the Beiyang government after the fall of the Qing Empire in an attempt to form a modern nation “Chinese” like the German nation. Although this is a kind of “imperial super-nationalism” that includes different races, multiple languages that cannot be communicated, and various religions. If there is no external intervention, there will be no market for this kind of national invention, and no one in later history will remember who Liang Qichao was. However, the Soviet Union, a communist empire, rose at this time. In order to communisms East Asia with the proletariat, the Soviet Union would not allow the bourgeois warlords that control the region to separate it. From this, it began to regain the Chinese grand unity and supported the Kuomintang to eliminate the warlords in all regions of Cathaysia. After the Kuomintang government started the propaganda machine, the people brainwashed by lies everywhere in Cathaysia were forced to gradually identify with the term “Chinese”. The Soviet Union used the Kuomintang’s grand unificatios to create the “Tongzhou Incident” in Yanland, which was independent of China at the time, to instigate the Kuomintang’s Chinese government to invade Manchukuo and intensify its conflict with the Japanese Empire. This made China and Japan suffered both losses in World War II, and allowed the communist gangster proletariat in East Asia to take the opportunity to rise. In the end, the Soviet Union supported the Chinese Communist Party as its agent to replace the “white glove” —Kuomintang and successfully communistized the entire mainland. The Kuomintang regime that fled Taiwan continued to insist on grand unification, and therefore lost the support of the locals in Taiwan. Starting to use the Chinese “unit front value” to please the CCP in exchange for the support of the pro-China faction, Taiwan has also been brought into the danger of communism.
Therefore, from the point of origin, Chinese unity and communism are inseparable, and the first step to truly anti-Communist should be anti-China. Why the Kuomintang, which claims to be Chinese, failed in its anti-communism war because the Chinese had a symbiotic relationship with communism. You cannot keep your body healthy and complete cutting off your left hand with a knife in your right hand. The recognition of the great unification of China is the breeding ground of communism. As long as they identify with the Chinese, they can be used by the Communist Party. National identification of “Chinese” is the most powerful unit front tool of the Communist Party today. Because the rootless people that have broken away from the local community have no power and will inevitably rely on the support of the imperial government. This is why many naive people who pursue a democratic China acted particularly anti-Communist at first, but most of them became CCP spies after they fled overseas. Because the so-called Chinese cannot establish their own community autonomy without the support of their home country, they finally betrayed themselves in exchange for rations in order to survive. Most of the so-called overseas Chinese are mainly Cantonese and Hokkienese. They are inherently very different and do not unite as one and consider each other “comrades”.
After more than half a century of the Communist Party’s dictatorship and state coercive power, the CCP first slaughtered the landlord gentry, religious leaders, and tribal chiefs who were most determined to resist communism and grand unity in the occupied areas of the mainland. After that, children and young people were instilled in state-controlled schools about their Chinese national identity and patriotism. This has led to the fact that people born in the occupied areas since the 1960s have almost only recognized the set of statements propagated by textbooks and party media. After being brainwashed by lies, they recognized the pseudo-national identity of “Chinese”. They believe that China’s powerful cannot be separated from the rule of the Communist Party. And the jobs that many people depend on for their livelihoods are also inseparable from the CCP system, such as the so-called state-owned enterprise workers. Even the number of CCP members is as high as 90 million, and even the number of subordinates such as Communist Youth League members and Young Pioneers and people with interests related to them is even higher. The CCP is inseparable from the huge cost of maintaining centralized rule by drawing resources through the Great Unification, and the Great Unification of China is also inseparable from relying on the brutal dictatorship of the CCP to eliminate the spontaneous national separatist movement of the people everywhere. Therefore, the CCP and the Chinese are already an unbreakable unity. You cannot be truly anti-Communist without opposing the “New China” regime itself that has been ruled by the CCP for more than 70 years. The very few members of the independence movement from all over Asia and Cathaysia that appeared in the occupied areas of the mainland are negligible compared to the large number of people who identify with Chinese, and the CCP does not allow these people to exist.
When people everywhere in Cathaysia wake up from the brainwashing of the Communist Party and discover their true nation affiliation, they will no longer identify with the so-called Chinese.

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